Empowering integrity with our first multilingual AI detector


In the dynamic digital world, filled with tools like ChatGPT and Gemini, staying true to your own style is more important than ever. Here’s where our unique multilingual AI detector comes in—a reliable friend making sure your work stays uniquely among all the AI-made content. Dive into this article to discover how our detector guards your originality and harmoniously combines your creativity with AI’s smart capabilities. Plus, we’ll take you behind the scenes to show the innovative technology that ensures digital content stays authentic and genuine.

Join us on this informative journey to empower your creative voice in the digital age!

Why an AI detector?

Our AI detector shines as your creative ally in the vast digital landscape, where AI is everywhere. It ensures that your work, whether it’s an essay or a blog post, stays truly yours:

  • Why it was created. We asked ourselves how we could protect our creative spark in a world filled with AI. The answer? An advanced tool that recognizes your unique touch in sentences and paragraphs.
  • How it works. Our content checker uses the latest tech to:
    • Celebrate your creativity. It identifies what’s yours and keeps it that way.
    • Partner with AI. It uses AI’s power to improve, not replace, your creative voice.
    • Verify originality. It’s essential for everything from academic papers to CVs.
  • Our goal. We aim to promote ethical AI use, not to punish. Our multilingual AI detector underscores your creativity, employing AI to improve, not overshadow, your unique voice.

How our AI detector stands apart

Building based on creativity and technology, let’s discuss the unique features that set our AI detector apart in the digital realm. Our AI content checker is recognized for its innovative approach, broad language support, and unparalleled precision.

Multilingual capabilities: A global solution

Our AI detector stands out because we’ve tailor-made versions for different languages, each designed according to the specific rules and nuances of that language. This approach has allowed us to create a truly inclusive tool, making it reliable for users in different countries. The languages we support include:

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • German
  • Lithuanian

Technical principles of AI detection

Diving into how it works, the core technology of our AI content checker is what sets it apart. It’s not just about the advanced technology; it’s how this technology is applied to meet your specific needs. We use advanced algorithms and machine learning to create a system that’s smart and user-friendly:

  • Linguistic analysis and statistical insights. Our model is trained with extensive linguistic data. For example, in Spanish, it evaluates over 101 linguistic criteria, such as parts of speech and their performance. We also analyze sentence and word lengths, and the commonality of the words used, providing a rich, layered understanding of your content. This allows us to accurately differentiate between your writing and AI-generated text.
  • Sentence-by-sentence evaluation for precision. A unique feature of our detector is its ability to set content on a sentence-by-sentence basis. This precision means we can identify AI-generated sections within a document, giving you detailed feedback on the authenticity of each sentence.
  • Cloud-based, scalable solutions. This tool’s processes are cloud-based, guaranteeing they’re scalable and accessible from anywhere. This setup allows us to conduct thorough assessments, providing scores for both the entire text and individual sentences.
  • Understanding the limits and possibilities. It’s important to remember our tool’s probabilistic nature. While it provides a strong indication of AI involvement, it’s designed for nuanced reviews. When it flags potential matches, a closer look at the context is essential, especially if AI-based writing resources have been used, as this can influence the detection outcomes.

By concentrating on these key points, our AI detector ensures your work stays original, and improved by AI’s capabilities without overshadowing your personal touch.


Real-world applications: Where AI detector shines

Our AI content checker isn’t just about the tech; it’s about making a real difference across various aspects of life. Here’s how it stands out:

  • In education. Schools and universities need to promote originality. Our tool helps teachers and students in ensuring their essays and research papers are genuinely their own, fighting plagiarism and promoting authentic learning.
  • For professionals. Original content is crucial in fields like online writing and publishing. Our detector helps writers keep unique content, improving their online presence and trustworthiness with their audience.
  • In personal documents. Authenticity in documents like CVs, and motivational letters showcases your true capabilities. Our tool ensures that your writing remains authentic, a vital need in a time when AI assistance is commonly used worldwide.

Focusing on these important areas, the AI detector proves to be a valuable tool for students, professionals, and anyone who writes, ensuring their work stays truly their own.

PLAG: More than an AI detector – shaping ethical practices globally

Our journey with Plag goes beyond the innovative AI detection technology. We’re on a mission to promote integrity and originality in the digital world, extending our impact far beyond individual applications. Through Plag, we aim to develop a culture that values authenticity and ethical behavior across all walks of life.

Educating for a better tomorrow

Our commitment exceeds the functional use of AI detection. Plag plays a proactive role in the educational landscape, highlighting the importance of originality and the ethical use of AI in content creation. Through educational workshops, seminars, and partnerships with academic institutions, we’re educating communities about the nuances of plagiarism and AI-generated texts. We want to build a well-informed society that prioritizes ethical practices in education, setting the stage for a future where integrity is treasured.

Supporting honesty in academic integrity

We’re all about encouraging a forward-thinking approach to academic honesty, choosing prevention over punishment. Plag is key in this mission, assisting educators and institutions in catching integrity issues before they become problems. By providing detailed checks on the originality of academic work, we help build an atmosphere where truth and creativity are the bedrock of education. We go further by shaping educational policies and preparing guidelines that promote a positive, learning-focused way to uphold integrity, making PLAG a symbol of ethical standards in education.

Ensuring security and upholding privacy

In a digital age where data privacy and security are paramount, our AI detector is designed with the highest commitment to safeguarding user information and keeping confidentiality.

Our commitment to confidentiality

We understand the importance of trust in our relationship with users, which is why confidentiality is at the core of our service. When you use our AI detector service, you can be assured that your documents, results, and personal information are protected by strong security measures. Our system is built to ensure that the outcomes of your AI detection checks stay private, and accessible only to you. This commitment to confidentiality secures your intellectual property and strengthens the trust you place in our services, allowing you to use our tool with confidence and peace of mind.

Trust in our secure, cloud-based solutions

Our company uses cloud technology to offer a safe and fast service. This cloud-based architecture not only ensures scalability and accessibility but also upholds strict security standards. Data encryption, access controls, and regular security audits are some of the measures we employ to protect your information. By trusting in our cloud-based solutions, you’re choosing a service that prioritizes your privacy and security, giving you the freedom to focus on creating authentic and original content without concerns about data safety.


Understanding our AI content checker and its plans

Dive into the capabilities of our AI detector to navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Our tool excels in telling apart AI-generated and human-created content, offering deep insights to protect the authenticity of your work.

Making sense of detection scores and indicators

Each document analyzed by our detector is given an overall probability score, reflecting the possibility of AI involvement in its creation. When the AI detector indicates a probability score above 50%, it suggests a higher likelihood that the text might be AI-generated. Conversely, a score below 49% typically points towards human authorship, offering users a clear, probabilistic assessment of each document’s origins.

In addition to these scores, our reports use a color-coding system to provide a visual representation of AI detection results at the sentence level. Sentences that are highlighted with more intense shades of purple are those where the AI involvement is considered more probable, while lighter shades suggest a lower probability, making it easier for users to identify and review sections of their content that might require further attention.

In the AI detector report below, at the top of the text, it reads ‘POSSIBLY REWRITE’ alongside a 60% indication, showing the overall probability of AI involvement in the document. Additionally, in the document’s right corner, the label ‘POSSIBLE AI TEXT’ attends a specific sentence, in this instance, ‘Connecting with alumni in your field of interest can provide insights into the industry and potentially lead to job opportunities,’ with a 63% chance, showing the likely use of AI in that specific sentence.

Your options: Free and premium plans

We offer tailored plans to suit your needs:

  • Free plan. With the Free plan AI detector, you can perform up to 3 document or text checks every day. You will receive an approximate evaluation of whether the text is “likely AI-generated”, “possible rewrite” or “likely human-written.”
  • Premium plan. For only $9.95/month, the Premium plan provides detailed analysis with unlimited AI checks, clear probability scores for every sentence, and in-depth reports showing which sentences may be AI-written. Using our best algorithms, this plan gives you unlimited access and deep insights, ideal for regular and detailed use.

Whether you’re exploring AI detection out of curiosity or require detailed analyses, our plans are designed to support your commitment to content authenticity.

Getting started with our AI detector service

To begin using our AI detector, follow these simple steps for a seamless experience:

  • Sign up. Start by providing your email, name, country, and preferred language for the interface. You can also use our single sign-on feature with your Facebook account for faster registration.
  • Upload document. Click the “AI content checker” in the left navigation sidebar menu and then the “Check” button to add the documents or text you wish to verify with the AI detector.
  • Analysis. Wait briefly as the AI detector processes your document.
  • Initial results. Shortly, you’ll receive an indication of AI involvement in your document. If you have a Premium plan, you will immediately see the percentage of how much the entire document is possibly written in AI. Alternatively, Free plan users receive a general insight, such as “Possibly AI text”, “Possible rewrite”, or “Very likely human text”.
  • Detailed report. For Premium plan subscribers, you can access a comprehensive report showing the exact probability of AI content for the entire document and each sentence individually.


In a world where AI and human creativity cross, our AI detector stands as a guardian of authenticity, ensuring that your unique voice stays separate in the digital spectrum. Our tool goes beyond mere detection; it’s a commitment to uphold the integrity of your work, blending the best of technology and human creativity.
From offering a wide array of language support to delivering precise insights through our plans, our purpose is to empower users across all walks of life. Whether for educational, professional, or personal use, our AI detector is designed to ensure that your content truly reflects you.
As PLAG looks to the future, we’re not just about AI detection. We’re about promoting a digital environment where originality is valued and ethical practices are the norm. Our commitment extends to securing your data and providing a service you can trust.
With us, embrace the confidence that comes from knowing your work stands out as genuinely yours in the digital age. We’re here to support your journey towards supporting the authenticity and vibrancy of your creative expression.

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